Krill oil Versus Fish Oil: Is Krill Oil better than Fish Oil?

Krill oil Versus Fish Oil: Is Krill Oil better than Fish Oil? Both krill oil and fish oil have a lot of health benefits. There have been a lot of questions and misinformation on krill oil versus fish oil which has kept many people wondering whether krill oil is better than fish oil. In this article, we explore… Read More »

10 Herbs That Heal

1. Rosemary- coughing.2. Oregano- menstrual cramps.3. Dill- upset GI tract.4. Cilantro- helps to relieve tiresomeness.5.Mint-crumpy tummy.6. Parsley- remove broadness.7. Basil – when one is feeling down.8. Curry powder- achy joints.9. Ginger- remove nauseousness.

Natural Painkillers

1. Pineapple- Stomach bloating and gas2. Blueberries- Bladder/urinary tract infection3.Turmeric-Chronic pain4. Ginger- muscles5. Peppermint-sore muscles6. Apple cider vinegar-heartburn7. Cherries- joint pain, headaches 8. Cloves-toothache/gum inflammation9.Garlic-made into a special oil for earache

5 Foods to Get Ride of Acidity

1. Bananas- are highly alkaline and high in fiber, so they can help neutralize stomach acid.2. Apples- are rich in malic acid, which can help to neutralize stomach acids. they also contain pectin, a type of fiber that can help slow down digestion and decrease the release of stomach acid. 3. Oatmeal- is a good choice because it… Read More »

5 Foods for a Flat Stomach

1. Cucumber- Natural diuretic, which removes water weight and helps with belly bloating.2. Blueberries- Packed with antioxidants that change how the body sloes glucose, resulting in flatter tummies.3. Lemons-Warm lemon water helps jumpstart your gastro-intestinal tract so that food can pass through easily and faster.4.Banana-High in fiber, low in calories. fiber makes feel fuller for longer.5. Avocado-Help reduce… Read More »

5 Vitamins Essential for Memory and Brain Health

1. Choline- Available in eggs, broccoli and salmon.2. Vitamin C-Available in strawberries, raisins, citrus fruits, raspberries.3. Omega 3- Available in nuts, chia and flax seeds and fatty fish.4. Folic acid-Available in leafy vegetables [spinach and watercress] and legumes.5. Vitamin E- Available in nuts and olive oil.

8 Habits That Damage Your brain

– Staying too much in the dark.– Poor sleeping habits.-Consuming too much negative news.-Social isolation.-Blasting your headphones on full volume.-Barely moving thought the day.-Consuming too much sugar. -Too much screen time.

How to Glow up Before School

– Make coca and rice water face mask-Always brush your teeth and lips.-Apply ice under your eyes-Drink 8 glasses of water daily for a clear skin.-Do your skin care routine every morning and before going to bed.-Wash your face with cold water-sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily.-Eat strawberries, they make your teeth whiter.-Do work outs.