Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 Herbs That Heal

1. Rosemary- coughing.2. Oregano- menstrual cramps.3. Dill- upset GI tract.4. Cilantro- helps to relieve tiresomeness.5.Mint-crumpy tummy.6. Parsley- remove broadness.7. Basil – when one is feeling down.8. Curry powder- achy joints.9. Ginger- remove nauseousness.

Natural Painkillers

1. Pineapple- Stomach bloating and gas2. Blueberries- Bladder/urinary tract infection3.Turmeric-Chronic pain4. Ginger- muscles5. Peppermint-sore muscles6. Apple cider vinegar-heartburn7. Cherries- joint pain, headaches 8. Cloves-toothache/gum inflammation9.Garlic-made into a special oil for earache

5 Foods to Get Ride of Acidity

1. Bananas- are highly alkaline and high in fiber, so they can help neutralize stomach acid.2. Apples- are rich in malic acid, which can help to neutralize stomach acids. they also contain pectin, a type of fiber that can help slow down digestion and decrease the release of stomach acid. 3. Oatmeal- is a good choice because it… Read More »

5 Foods for a Flat Stomach

1. Cucumber- Natural diuretic, which removes water weight and helps with belly bloating.2. Blueberries- Packed with antioxidants that change how the body sloes glucose, resulting in flatter tummies.3. Lemons-Warm lemon water helps jumpstart your gastro-intestinal tract so that food can pass through easily and faster.4.Banana-High in fiber, low in calories. fiber makes feel fuller for longer.5. Avocado-Help reduce… Read More »

5 Vitamins Essential for Memory and Brain Health

1. Choline- Available in eggs, broccoli and salmon.2. Vitamin C-Available in strawberries, raisins, citrus fruits, raspberries.3. Omega 3- Available in nuts, chia and flax seeds and fatty fish.4. Folic acid-Available in leafy vegetables [spinach and watercress] and legumes.5. Vitamin E- Available in nuts and olive oil.

8 Habits That Damage Your brain

– Staying too much in the dark.– Poor sleeping habits.-Consuming too much negative news.-Social isolation.-Blasting your headphones on full volume.-Barely moving thought the day.-Consuming too much sugar. -Too much screen time.

How to Glow up Before School

– Make coca and rice water face mask-Always brush your teeth and lips.-Apply ice under your eyes-Drink 8 glasses of water daily for a clear skin.-Do your skin care routine every morning and before going to bed.-Wash your face with cold water-sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily.-Eat strawberries, they make your teeth whiter.-Do work outs.

Things to Do Immediately After Unprotected Sex

-Drink enough water.-Make sure that you pee immediately to prevent some infections.-Take a shower, wash your vulva and not your vagina because your vagina is self-cleansing.-If you are ovulating you can take emergency pills within 72 hours.