A fruit results from maturation of one or more flowers and the gynoecium of the flowers forms all or part of the fruit. They can be either dry or fleshy, and result from the ripening of a simple or compound ovary in a flower with only one pistil.
Fruits are nature’s wonderful gift to the mankind. Health Benefits of Fruits includes they are life-enhancing, health boosting natural medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and many phytonutrients (Plant-derived micronutrients). People who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally live a healthy and long life. Let’s see some of the amazing health benefits of fruits on this page.
Fruits are one of the most important and natural food, which has a lot of Strong health benefits. Fruits possess vi
tamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals in abundance which protect us from many diseases. They keep your skin, eyes, heart and digestive system healthy.
Select the Fruit to see its Health Benefits:
- Apple
- Avocado
- Banana
- Blueberry
- Blackberry
- Beetroot
- Cherry
- Coconut
- Cucumber
- Dates
- Dragon Fruit
- Goji Berry
- Grape
- GrapeFruit
- Guava
- Honeydew
- JackFruit
- Kiwi
- Lemon
- Lychee
- Mango
- Musk Melon
- Nectarine
- Olive
- Orange
- Papaya
- Peach
- Pears
- Pinneaple
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Raspberry
- Red Grapes
- Sapodilla (Chikoo)
- Strawberry
- Tomato
- Watermelon
Classification of Fruits
Simple Fruits:
Fruits that develop from a single ovary of a single flower. They can be either dry or fleshy. The two types of simple fruits are:
Simple fleshy fruits: Fleshy fruits are fruits that have a fleshy part between the fruit’s covering and the seeds. Fleshy fruits include eggplant, squash and tomatoes which are commonly called vegetables.
Simple dry fruits: Dry fruits are fruits which are dried either naturally or artificially to remove its original water content. The two types of dry fruits are Dehiscent dry fruits and Indehiscent dry fruits.
Compound Fruits:
Those that develop from several ovaries from either a single flower or multiple flowers are compound fruits. There are two types which are: Aggregate fruits and Multiple fruits.
Accessory Fruits:
The fruits in which the fleshy part is formed by the parts other than the ovary and its outer wall are accessory fruits. They are sometimes known as the false fruit or pseudocarp.
Fruit Color and its Nutrition Facts
Health Benefits of Fruits of Red Color:
They Contain:
Vitamin A – Keeps your eyes healthy
Vitamin C – Helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps gums and teeth healthy
Lycopene – In tomatoes, protects the cells of tour body
Potassium – Protects your heart and blood vessels
Health Benefits of Fruits of Orange & Yellow Color:
They Contain:
Folic Acid – Helps your body make red blood cells and DNA
Vitamin A – Keeps your eyes and skin healthy
Vitamin C – Helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps gums and teeth healthy
Fiber – Good for your heart and intestines
Health Benefits of Fruits of Green color:
They Contain:
Vitamin E – Protects the cells of your body
Iron – Helps your blood cells carry oxygen
B Vitamins – Helps your body make energy, is needed for a healthy brain
Folic Acid – Helps your body make red blood cells and DNA
Calcium – Builds strong bones
Vitamins A & C
Health Benefits of Fruits of Blue & Purple Color:
They Contain:
Anthocyanins – Protect the cells of your body
Vitamin C – Helps cuts and wounds heal and keeps gums and teeth healthy
Fiber – Good for your heart and intestines
Uses of Fruits:
- Make a fruit salad.
- Drink fruit juice instead of soda.
- Add vegetables to your pizza, sandwiches, soup and pasta.
- Add sliced fruit to your cereal or oatmeal.
- Raw vegetables make a great snack. Dip them in yogurt, peanut butter or low-fat dressing for even more flavor.
- Vegetables can be steamed, cooked in the oven, in the microwave or on the barbecue. Adding spices, herbs and sauces gives them even more flavor.
Health Benefits of Fruits
Rich Source of Vitamins & Minerals
They have been recognized as a good source of vitamins and minerals. The nutrients in fruit are vital for health and maintenance of your body.
Low in Calories
Most of the fruits are naturally low in calories, sodium and fat, with less or zero cholesterol.
Provide Soluble Dietary Fiber
They are also a very good source of soluble dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol and fats from the body and to help in smooth bowel movements. This fiber also relief in constipation.
Health Benefits of Fruits in Lowering Heart Diseases and Strokes
The Potassium found in some fruit can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Health Benefits of Fruits in removing Kidney Stones
Reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss on aging.
Health Benefits of Fruits in Increasing Red Blood Cells. Most of them are also rich in folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells.