Implantation bleeding or period?

Implantation bleeding or period? Implantation bleeding is vaginal discharge that usually contains small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. Only about a third of all pregnant women experience this implantation bleeding. You could suspect it is implantation bleeding if it occurs a bit earlier than expected, if it were scanty, spotty, pinkish and not red and heavy like… Read More »

How To Find The G-Spot

How To Find The G-Spot There’s no doubt that you’ve heard of the G-spot, but whether or not you’ve found it is another story. The G-spot is a bean-shaped area within the vagina that, when stimulated, can produce a heightened sense of sexual arousal and a most powerful orgasm. How to Find The G-Spot There’s no doubt that… Read More »

Kegel Exercises – What it is and how to do

Kegel Exercises Everyone should know how to do Kegel exercises, simply because you will have more fun in bed. In fact, exercised vaginal muscles will give you and your partner more pleasure during intercourse. His penis will feel bigger and your orgasms will be stronger, it will make childbirth easier, and it prevents incontinence as well. You will… Read More »

Halloween Facts – Fun, Interesting & History For Kids & Adults

Halloween Facts – Fun, Interesting & History For Kids & Adults Halloween Facts is the piece information you need to understand and may be make some sense out of October 31. You might want to learn more about Fun, History, Trivia, Interesting and Fun Halloween facts for Kids and Adults.  Yet more, discover historical facts on Halloween-related items… Read More »

Tips on Staying Healthy In The Sun

Tips on Staying Healthy In The Sun  Beach season, summertime, whatever you would like to call it, is usually when people start putting away those long sleeves and heavy jackets in place for T-shirts and swim suits. In the summer, people usually spend more time outdoors, exposed to the sun’s rays. Whether you enjoy your free time at… Read More »

How to Increase Sexual Stamina

How to Increase Sexual Stamina A man doesn’t need to rely on medication to improve his sexual stamina. You can last longer with these simple tips. Almost every man has worried about his sexual stamina at some point. Sexual performance is of special importance to men, and most guys want to do everything they can to make their… Read More »